Dragon Boat Regatta


TEAM CAPTAIN - Every team must nominate a Team Manager on their team list. The Team Manager has overall responsibility for the conduct and actions of the team. The Chief Official and other Race Officials will only communicate on official matters with the Team Manager.

PADDLES - Teams may use their own paddles, provided they conform to the design and dimensions laid down by the British Dragon Boat Association. All paddle looms (shafts) must be of straight design.  Paddles with a cranked (off set) design or loom are not permitted.

EXPERIENCE - The competition is open to all comers. Previous experience of dragon boating is not necessary to enter a team, but all team members MUST BE WATER COMPETENT IN LIGHT CLOTHING. A responsible adult must supervise competitors under the age of 12 years old, when in a dragon boat.

EQUIPMENT - All boats and necessary equipment will be provided.

BUOYANCY AIDS - All competitors must wear a buoyancy aid provided by the race organiser when on the water. Team members may not be allowed to race in their own buoyancy aid.

TEAMS - Teams are to consist of a maximum of 12 participants per race, which must include a drummer and a helm. The minimum number of paddlers is 6. Teams may race with less than 12 but the number in the boat at the finish of the race must be the same as at the start. Only the number of paddlers in the team may be reduced, a drummer and the helm must be present in the boat throughout the race.  Each team should include 2 female members and 2 members over the age of 40.

HELMS (steerers) - Team Activity Group will provide helms for each team.

THE DRUMMER - The drummer must sit on the ‘drummers’ seat provided and actively beat the drum throughout the race.

EMBARKING - Teams must report to the boat marshalling area, when called forward by the chief boat marshal or over the public address. However, irrespective of any ‘call forward’, teams should report to the marshalling area at least 20 minutes before the race start time. Teams failing to report on time may be barred from taking any further part in the competition.

STARTING POSITION - The position of the dragon boats on the start line shall be that the boats are aligned.

STARTING SIGNAL - When the starter is satisfied that all the boats are correctly aligned, the starter shall alert the teams by saying ‘ARE YOU READY?’. When the starter is happy that all teams are ready the starter shall give the starting signal by shouting ‘ATTENTION’ followed by the word ‘GO’.

FALSE STARTS - If the starter considers there to be a false start they will immediately recall the teams by shouting STOP, STOP, STOP teams should stop paddling and return immediately to the start line.

FINISHES - A boat has finished the race when the foremost part of the boat, which normally includes the head, crosses the finish line with the same number of participants in the boat as started the race. After finishing a race, each participating team must return immediately to the embarking area.

DISEMBARKING - After disembarking from the dragon boat the team is responsible for the safe return of all paddles and buoyancy aids to the place designated by the boat marshal and for bailing out any water from their boat.

RACE CONTROL - Teams must paddle a straight line and keep within their allocated lane/line from the start to the finish of their race. It is forbidden to knowingly impede other boats. Helms will order their paddlers to ‘STOP PADDLING’ if a collision is imminent. Teams that do not stop paddling and cause a collision will be disqualified from the competition and may face a further ban from racing in the future.  Any team that causes a boat to collide with another one whilst racing, or that damages a boat or paddles of another team, or that deliberately swamps or causes another boat or their own boat to capsize will be disqualified from the competition.

OFFICIALS - All the officials appointed for the competition are responsible to the Chief Official for the conduct of the races and for ensuring that the Rules and Regulations are fully complied with. Crews must follow the directions of the Race Officials at all times. Failure to do so may result in disqualification of the crew or participant concerned. The Chief Official’s decisions on all matters affecting the races are final.

SAFETY - The safety of a dragon boat team on the water is the prime concern of everyone associated with the event, not least of which is the team itself, who have a responsibility to conduct themselves properly, in both a competitive and social sense. All competitors are to attend their team safety briefing before racing commences, after which they will be issued with a green wrist band.

MEDICAL RESTRICTIONS - Each participant must be reasonably fit and able to swim in light clothing. Must be a minimum age of 8 and not vastly overweight to their height. If you are unsure whether you can take part please seek your doctor’s advice. If you have any medical condition which the Race Organisers should be aware of, please speak to the Race Official before your first race of the day.

NO ALCOHOL - Consumption of alcohol, by any participant is strictly prohibited until racing has finished. Any participant who is thought to have consumed alcohol or is not in a 'fit state' to participate will not be allowed to race and their green wrist band will be removed. The unlawful use of any banned substance is not permitted at any time.

NOTICE - The event is an adventure sport and as such involves a risk of injury regardless of the standard of training, supervision and equipment involved. Each participant will be required to sign the team sheet following their safety briefing on the race day.   By signing the team sheet each participant voluntarily accepts all risks involved and is fit and able to swim as per the medical restrictions above and will not hold Team Activity Group liable for any claims arising from any accident resulting in any loss or damage including bodily injury or death.

LEPTOSPIROSIS & WEILS DISEASE - It is stressed that Leptospirosis and Weil's disease are both rare but can be caught by anyone engaged in a water sport. An infection of Leptospirosis resembles a cold and influenza infection in the initial stages. The incubation period is 4 - 10 days. If you show the above symptoms after taking part in a water sport activity, you should contact your doctor and tell him you have been participating in water sports and you suspect leptospira infection. Level of risk - On average each year, 9 people contract Leptospirosis through the participation in water sports. The instances of infection are therefore very rare and its deterioration into Weil's disease even rarer. Weil's disease is, however a very serious illness which must be diagnosed and treated swiftly.