Magic Show

Virtual Event


up to 25 for a fully interactive event

larger numbers for less interaction




45 minutes

We are delighted to bring you our latest virtual activity in the form of a Magic Show to entertain your colleagues or indeed family and friends with live interactive entertainment over zoom.

We have created a show where as much of the show as possible is interactive, a show where the magic happens for the people watching, rather than just something that they passively watch.  However it is also great fun to watch your colleagues be involved in the magic, so for larger groups we ask that you nominate a number of your guests who will be working with our magician.  In addition we also have a great piece which interacts with all participants, we just ask that we post out 4 cards to the guests in advance, or if they have access to a printer this can be emailed.

Our magician reads peoples minds and makes amazing magic happen for them, even if they are located1000s of miles away!

We have three different online magic shows for your to choose from

Virtually Magical.png
Virtually Amazing.png
Virtually Incredible.png