Employee wellbeing can make your company more successful - here’s how

At Team Activity Group, of course we’re very passionate about the importance of team-building events in ensuring employee satisfaction and engagement. But it’s also vital to look beyond the monthly networking activities or yearly Christmas drinks, to true individual wellbeing.

‘Wellbeing’ is defined as “a state characterised by health, happiness and prosperity.” We can all agree that’s the ideal - and with the average Brit spending over 34 hours a week at their job, the workplace is undeniably a key element in overall wellbeing.  

The pandemic took a significant toll on many people’s emotional wellbeing (a survey by Mind found around a third of adults and young people had found their mental health had got much worse since March 2020), and with the rise of remote working leading to potential feelings of isolation, now’s the time to start looking at how to support your colleagues in their wellbeing and mental health. The Mental Health Foundation has found that “Better mental health support in the workplace can save UK businesses up to £8 billion annually.” So it’s clear that it’s not just the employee who benefits from company support for their wellbeing - the employer sees positive results too.

So, what can we do?

Mental health support can take many forms, and there’s a strong link between physical and emotional fitness. Many of the events we offer such as Nordic walking and yoga could kickstart a healthy hobby, or you could work with local gyms and leisure centres for discounted sessions or memberships for your team. Or why not start a Couch to 5k group with some team members and sign up for a charity race to complete together? After all, working out in group settings can boost motivation - which will result in a more productive and happier team.

Continuing to look for ways to engage employees in social activities is really important, as the after work drinks, team-building retreats and seasonal lunches are crucial in supporting workplace wellbeing. Look at activities that may be new to all team members so that everyone is starting on an even footing - think more unusual events, such as dragon boat racing or candle-making. Learning a new skill is an added bonus as it can thicken the brain's prefrontal cortex, developing courage and confidence - excellent qualities both within and outside the workplace!

Work is busy and time can be tight, so smaller, incremental steps you can take in your organisation could make a big impact. This could include mindfulness, which can be practised anywhere, anytime, with no resources required - so it’s perfect for any working environment. Consider booking a mindfulness session for your team, or even embarking on a retreat, as a trained practitioner can help you to get the most effective results and teach techniques which can be carried into daily life. It has many scientifically backed outcomes which could benefit your team in their work and in their lives, including lowering stress, boosting cognitive abilities and improving emotional regulation.          

We’ll be delving further into the role of wellbeing support and mindfulness in a successful workplace in our monthly newsletter, so sign up here for regular articles, tips and ideas. 


Enter the House of the Dragon… (Boat Racing!)


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