How to supercharge your corporate event

Did you know Team Activity Group started life as a husband/wife dragon boat racing team?

Yes, myself and Joe once raced these incredible boats, representing Team GB at European and World Championships. The sense of occasion, the thrill of competition and the elation that came from such a physical sport was addictive.

That’s probably why we’ve based our whole business on it.

Out of the starting blocks

I loved the adrenaline-fuelled world of dragon boating so much I became an event organiser for the British Dragon Boat Racing Association during the time we were competing. 
 I still love bringing them out when they’re right for an event, but I’ve also discovered my understanding of competition and experience of the world stage brings something extra for our clients in whatever activity we deliver for them. We pride ourselves in always creating a rewarding event which delivers on the brief from our clients. Bringing people together, strengthening teams and solving challenges are high on the agenda after a disruptive period for all businesses and we see, on a daily basis, how events achieve these outcomes in spades.

Creating the winning event

Strong team spirit is only enhanced by healthy competition, and this is never more evident than when racing. Nowadays, we offer a few different types of races, from dragon boats to wacky races where contenders customise a pedal kart so that it takes on the guise of a Wacky Races character, such as Penelope Pitstop, Dick Dastardly or the Ant Hill Mob. They then attempt to win a race at the end of the event. This is another of my favourites, with just as much celebration for anyone who stays in one piece until the finish line.

Our recipe for success is to keep our plans simple but effective. Some of the most rewarding activities are the most basic. Things like archery or laser clay pigeon shooting are always very popular with our clients and they still serve to inject the sense of competition and challenge into the day.

For our clients, the difference is our attitude to the atmosphere of an event and the energy charge that an element of competition can bring.

The next stage of the race

We’re approaching a milestone business birthday as we turn 30 in 2024. This has led to me reflecting on a hugely different marketplace from the one we started out in. Events have never lost their popularity and appeal, especially as we continue to increase focus on work/life balance and ensuring we look after our employees and their mental health.

They have gradually become more complex in terms of numbers attending and the logistics are the thing we really put our energy into as the market gets busier with more venues and events taking place in quick succession. Over our near 30-year history, we’ve delivered events up and down the United Kingdom and, although we are now very focused on working around the Thames Valley region, across Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire, we remain regulars in London and further afield in the UK.

The past couple of years have probably been one of the rockiest since we started out, with the whole hospitality sector taking several body blows and even looking like it might not recover at one point. We embraced – and continue to deliver – virtual events but, for those of us who know the energy and atmosphere of a live, in-person event, nothing will ever live up to this.

We’re now heading into a summer that’s reminiscent of the good old pre-pandemic days, and we can’t wait to share some of the fantastic events and activities we’ve got planned.

If you’d like to discuss anything from teambuilding to family fun days, please do get in touch on or call 07767 250192.


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