Why Team-Building Events Are More Important than Ever

Working from home used to be a luxury afforded only to those at the top, those who’d earned the privilege. Now, spurred on by advancements in tech, and after the pandemic forced it upon us all, working remotely - or at least hybrid working - has become the norm.

Attitudes towards working from home have also changed. Previously, there were trust issues from employers and even pre-emptive admissions of low productivity from employees when considering working remotely. But now companies and employees are embracing it, and we’ve found that, actually, productivity levels have largely remained the same. In fact, half the population states they are more productive working from home.

So, all well and good then? Well, not quite. Working remotely throws up some other issues.

Human beings are social creatures. We need meaningful social interactions to be motivated in our work - and virtual, social interactions don’t quite cut it. It doesn’t matter how many Zoom quizzes you do with your colleagues; you won’t be getting your social fix.

 Our bonds with others come from sincere interactions - i.e. interactions that are face to face. Since only 7% of communication comes from what we say and the rest from tone and body language, we need to see our colleagues in the flesh to be able to bond and work together effectively.

63% of women say that they’re twice as likely to be engaged at work if they have a ‘work best friend’. Annie McKee, a fortune 500 advisor explains that: “Connecting with people boosts our mood and our morale, and friendships [at work] provide us with the emotional and psychological strength to deal with whatever comes our way — whether an exciting opportunity, a challenge or a crisis.”

So, is remote working a bad thing?

No, it isn’t - as long as we keep rolling with the times and ensuring our new ways of working are, well, working. It’s about finding the pain points, adjusting and mitigating.

Bring everyone together again through enriching team-building events

One way of mitigating the negative effects of remote working is through face-to-face, team building activities. At Team Activity Group, we have various team events and corporate fun days which will reunite your team post pandemic.

Although, we did embrace virtual events during the pandemic, and can still deliver them if they are required, we know that virtual is no match for the real thing! So, we’re super excited to get back to a summer of real-life, face-to-face and fun events. Plus, with years of events experience behind us - putting on corporate parties or organising fantastic team away days is what we do best!

 From candle-making to canoeing to Christmas parties, we’ve got something to suit all teams and businesses. To enquire and/or book, don’t hesitate to get in touch on events@tag-events.com or call 07767 250192.


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